View Full Version : Hold me for a while - Xin hãy ôm em một lúc nữa

Hạt Mầm
18-07-2011, 11:08 PM
Ca từ rất đơn giản của bài hát "Hold me for a while" sẽ giúp bạn luyện thêm về kỹ năng nghe, đồng thời với giai điệu nhẹ nhàng sẽ giúp bạn thư giãn rất tốt sau những giờ làm việc căng thẳng, còn nếu bạn muốn nâng tầm từ vựng thì cũng có thể học được qua phần vietsub của bài hát này.


Lời bài hát:

Hold, hold me for a while
I know this won't last forever
So hold, hold me tonight
Before the morning takes you away

Hold, hold me for a while
I know this won't last forever
So hold, hold me tonight
Before the morning takes you away

What's that sparkle in your eyes?
Is it tears that I see? (uh)
Oh tomorrow you are gone (gone)
So tomorrow I'm alone (alone)
Short moments of time
We have left to share our love

Hold, hold me for a while
I know this won't last forever
So hold, hold me tonight
Before the morning takes you away

We're in each others arms
Soon we're miles apart
Can you imagine how I'll miss,
Your touch and your kiss?
Short moments of time
We have left to share our love

Hold, hold me for a while....
Hold, hold me now,
From dusk to dawn all night long
Save, save me now,
A short moment of time.

Chúc các bạn vui và bình an. P.H.

Thánh Thư
21-07-2011, 06:00 PM
I can hear the sentence: "Short moments of time/ We have left to share our love" from the song, which impresses me. Moreover, It also reminds me of Mother Theresa's quotes: "We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love." and "I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love."
Actually, I suppose that each person can understand these quotes and apply them in the real life in many different ways. However, I hope to give these ones to all of you like some little gifts, which may become an encouragement in your own life, especially in some suitable situations or when you have challenges and difficulties.