View Full Version : Greetings, preclosings, and closings.

Thánh Thư
11-02-2012, 05:50 PM
Mở đầu và kết thúc cho một cuộc nói chuyện là một phần rất quan trọng trong việc giao tiếp hằng ngày bằng ngôn ngữ. Qua topic này, TT xin được chia sẻ về cách sử dụng tiếng Anh để mở đầu và kết thúc một cuộc hội thoại.

(TT xếp theo thứ tự từ “More formal” đến “less formal” nhé!).

1. Mở đầu cuộc hội thoại:



Good morning.
Good morning.

Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.

Good evening.
Good evening.

How nice to see you!
Yes, it's been quite a while.

What a pleasant surprise!

Hello, John.
Hello, Ba.

How are you?
Fine, thanks. And you?

Hi, Lan.
Hi, Nam.

How've you been?
Pretty good.

What's happening?
Not much.

What's new?

How are you doing?

How you doing?
Not bad.

Long time, no see.

2. Trước khi kết thúc cuộc hội thoại:



Well, I'm afraid I have to be going.
Thank you for coming.

It's been a pleasure.
Yes, I've enjoyed it.

Thank you for the advice.
My pleasure.

I really must go now.

It was nice to see you.
It was good to see you.

Well, it's getting late.
Maybe we can talk again.

I know you're busy...

Nice to see you again.
Nice to see you.

Thanks for coming.
It was fun.

Maybe we could get together sometime.
Sounds good.

Great seeing you.
Same here.

I've really got to go.
OK. See you.

Got to go now.
See you again.

3. Khi kết thúc cuộc hội thoại:



Until the next time...

Good night, Lan.
Good night, Ba.

Good-bye, Hoa.
Good-bye, Linh.

Have a nice day (weekend/ time...).
You, too.

Talk to you later.
Bye. Take it easy.

See you later.
So long. Take care.

*** Tùy ngữ cảnh, mỗi người chúng ta có thể lựa chọn cách dùng phù hợp.

Have a nice time!!!

(Theo Giáo trình: "Speaking Naturally" của Bruce Tillitt - Mary Newton Bruder.)